I've always considered myself an average person aspiring to live a comfortable life. Crazy things have always happened around me, even as a young child. I would think some experiences were a coincidence and others left me terrified. Most of the peculiar things that happened I'd keep to myself for fear that people would think I was crazy. Who would believe any of this? I had a hard time rationalizing it and questioned my own sanity most of the time.
Nights were the times that filled me with the most terror and dread because of the 'spiritual shenanigans' that seem to unfold around me. I would pick up flashes of colors or shadows moving from the corners of my eyes. I'd also see apparitions that would drag me up the wall while I felt paralyzed and helpless. There were also episodes where I seemed to be levitating above the bed.
No matter which incident occurred it would keep me from falling asleep because of the tremendous amount of fear and anxiety I felt. The even stranger thing was that these events would occur whether I was with someone or by myself in the bed. I would pray to God all night for safety and daylight. Daydreaming was a major issue for me. I'd just check out mentally it would occur day or night. That was linked with periods of time that I couldn't remember what happened nor have I ever been able to account for those lost periods of time in my life.
I also have unexplained issues being in large crowds. I often felt lightheaded and my mood changed drastically according to who I was standing around me. My brain would go into information overload with details about a stranger's life - just by standing near them. People always seemed drawn to me and would share all of their problems and secrets. There didn't seem to be any way to control any of these issues. The combination of all of these incidents made me feel insecure isolate and out of place.
My family was no help in understanding what was happening to me, although there was never a shortage of family stories about ghost and spirits. But even with the true to life scary stories, not one person in the family shared their personal experiences with spirits. So I thought I was the only one with these unusual super natural experiences. The only relief I had was that everything came in cycles and it would be years between incidents. Little did I know that all my experiences would be contributing factors in my spiritual growth and expansion. I also realized that recognizing gifted children at a young age will lend itself to acceptance and development of their gifts.